Chris Corner

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Chris Corner

If you briefly learn more about Chris Corner, whose biography is very interesting, then we learn that he was born on January 24, 1974 (today this quite young and energetic musician is 44 years old).

He was born in Middlesbrough, England, United Kingdom.

Chris Corner (36) is a musician. He co-founded Sneaker Pimps in 1995 and is also currently recording under the name IAMX. As the lead singer for emotional vocals in the musical collective Sneaker Pimps, Corner's lead singer is identified as an important factor in the group's success. Corner was the lead vocalist for the Bloodsport and Splinter albums, although the band announced that his vocals would not be used for any upcoming album.

Chris Corner currently resides in Berlin, Germany and recently released the third IAMX album, Kingdom of Welcome Addiction, as well as the French soundtrack for the film Les Chevaliers Du Ciel. In addition to his main job at IAMX, Chris Corner also makes music with his ex-girlfriend Sue Denny under the title Brothers and Sisters.

Chris Corner is also in collaboration with the Belgian magazine Le Weekend and appeared in the BBC comedy series The Mighty Boosh. Chris attended Mill Hill School until he was 16 and then Acklam School of College. He then went on to study philosophy at Goldsmiths College, London.

He also worked as a producer on Robots in Disguise and one song for nemo.

Musician Chris Korner's personal life is quite diverse, frequent tours and creative ambitions leave a rather complex imprint on the musician's life preferences. However, the purposeful nature helps the musician to be in constant search due to the popularity with the listener. One of the most popular networks in which Chris Corner has his own page, Instagram, constantly demonstrates such popularity that it is not always possible to become friends with the musician.